Book Cover

This is the cover for my forthcoming novel, DAY AFTER NIGHT, which will be published in September, 2009.

Set in 1945, in the summer immediately following the end of World War II in Europe, DAY AFTER NIGHT tells the stories of four young Jewish women — survivors of four different kinds of hell. They make their way to the land of Israel where they confront an uncertain future haunted by the past.

My protagonists — Leonie, Tedi, Shayndel and Zorah — are interned when they arrive, sent to a place called Atlit, a prison camp run by the British, who were under an international mandate to rule Palestine. In Atlit, the women meet, befriend one another, and begin to grapple with a new life in a new land.

Some of the details of the plot are based on historical incidents, but the characters are of my own invention. You might think of this novel (with a smile) as THE RED TENT meets EXODUS — the novel by Leon Uris.

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