Adventures in Technology

I got an ipod for Hannukah. I asked my husband for it, and he obliged.
Why? Well, I felt old not having an mp3 player, not having those earbuds in my head, not understanding what the fuss was all about.
My daughter was a little shocked that I wanted one. I don’t think she views me as hoplessly antiquated, but this was a surprise to her.
I think the main reason I wanted this new toy is because I’m sick of what’s on the car radio and I am a menace rifling through cds while driving.
So why not?
It is such a slim, elegant thing. And I’m a sucker for the ads. Maybe it’ll turn me on to new musicians and new music.
The reality is not as simple as the concept. The machine requires energy time and a zillion choices and mastery of downloading and dial-spinning. Thank goodness for my friend Steve, who told me he felt the same misgivings at first, but is now a total acolyte, in love with the music he’s discovered, happy as a clam with very cool music inside the shell.
Last night, I walked the dog with my new ipod in my ears. (Grateful for the amazing new earphones S. gave me) I listened to an old favorite, a familiar track by Rickie Lee Jones, and heard dimensions in the drums and bass and in her performance that had never been there before… at least not for me.
So maybe I’ll fall in love with my ipod, after all. I’ve already figured out how to use the “import” command.


  1. Barb on December 13, 2007 at 10:51 am

    Just a word of warning from one of your sisters out there…not too loud please, you will need your ears in tip top shape to listen to all the stories you will hear from your grandchildren.

    I would love to have an MP3 player, not sure if an Ipod fits my budget. I am searching for a great deal.

  2. emilia on December 14, 2007 at 1:21 am

    i do NOT think you are antiquated. i simply never thought i’d see the day. but i am happy you’ve joined us. walking buddy with the pod is a lot more pleasant. nice to have a soundtrack.

  3. lisa on January 22, 2008 at 9:23 am

    regarding your ipod – have you discovered downloadng NPR radio shows? I got my ipod about a year and a half ago and now one of my favorite things to do is listen to This American Life and knit – on my own schedule. I collect episodes of Fresh Air and whenever I have an hour, on a walk, when I’m cooking, I can find just an interview that interests me – and there it is. It has become one of my great joys. I wish the same for you!

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