Pitching My Tent

Title: Pitching My Tent: On Marriage, Motherhood, Friendship, and Other Leaps of Faith
Published by: Scribner
ISBN13: 978-0743246170
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Pitching My Tent is a sort of spiritual autobiography in the form of linked essays about marriage, motherhood, dogs, food, congregational life, friendship, loss, and hope. Personal without being confessional, devotional and genuinely funny, this collection displays the wit and honesty that have delighted Anita Diamant’s readers in publications ranging from Boston Globe Magazine, to Parenting, to Hadassah.


There are raspberries in heaven. In fact, up in heaven, raspberries are so plentiful and cheap that God and the angels take them for granted. After dinner the heavenly hosts say things like “Raspberries and cream for dessert?”

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