Bible Baby Names

Title: Bible Baby Names: Spiritual Choices from Judeo-Christian Tradition
Published by: Jewish Lights
ISBN13: 978-1879045620
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Naming children after a biblical character connects then with a religious tradition as well as a particular character and story. It also links your baby to the long lineage of the people named after Rachel and Noah through the ages.

Bible Baby Names is not comprehensive dictionary of the 3,300 personal names in the Hebrew (Old Testament) Bible and Chrisitan (New Testament) Bible. It features more than 600 names, with references and definitions that matches the wish to connect a cultural and sacred past with contemporary tastes and trends. Notorious characters, such as Jezebel and Judas, are not included.


“What’s in a Bible Name?”

While a rose by any other name might well smell as sweet, people are more complicated than roses. We are a mix of nature and nurture, of education and environment. People who are loved tend to be loving; children who hear English spoken at home learn to speak English. A child named Tiffany inherits a legacy of worldly beauty and material elegance. A baby named Martha, on the other hand, receives an altogether different kind of inheritance–one which may lead to her to the Bible to look up her namesake.

Every name is a complicated gift, and biblical names invoke history and personal associations. They are sometimes family names, handed down from one generation to the next. If you name your baby Peter or Rebecca in honor of Grandpa Pete or Great-Aunt Becky, your child becomes a living link to their namesakes, and to Pete and Becky’s namesakes before them, all the way back to the biblical Peter and Rebecca.